Monday, September 28, 2009

Did someone say car?

Over the Labor Day weekend Tom went to Utah to get his 67' GT convertible mustang project car that was left behind at his parents.

Tom rented a U-Hal truck and a trailer and packed every thing in. Then him, his dad and brother had a fun "little" road trip back to Houston.

By the time they made it the 1,668 miles, all three were very exhausted as you can imagine but they had a good time with the time they had together.

Unfortunately Steve and Jason were not able to stay too long because Jason had to get back to work but the time we did have with them was nice. We ALWAYS enjoy visitors no matter how long they are here.


Now that everything is here, and I mean everything, I have no room to park my car in the garage! Sheesh, I don't even have room to walk into the garage. Needless to say he brought more than just the parts he needs for his car but enough to do two full cars and then some! I need to take pictures just to show you how bad it really is! Actually, I am surprised they fit it ALL!

Oh day I will have a garage to park in again. It's just a good thing it doesn't snow here or Tom would be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

Here are picture of the car before everything else got cramed in.