Monday, June 30, 2008

Just Another Weekend

Saturday morning I had breakfast with my visiting teachers and one other sister they visit. We sat and chatted for a bit while eating muffins and fruit. Yum! Then they gave us the message for the month and we had a great discussion with that. An hour and a half later I came home and Tom, Cole and I went looking for a new vehicle. After test driving many, I think we've decided on a Honda CR-V. It has the room we need and it gets pretty good gas mileage. Now we just need to shop around. It will be very nice once we have a second vehicle again. It really stinks being stranded at home all day. Not that I go out all that often any ways, but it's nice when I do want to that I can. After looking at vehicles we had a Hawaiian pool party at our apartment complex. It was a little rainy, but it still turned out ok. They had lots of food and drinks. There was also a live band. We didn't stay for the whole thing because I dropped a fresh peach slice on my white shorts and wanted to try and treat it before it stained, which luckily it didn't! Saturday night we rented The Simpson's movie, Tom's pick of course, and P.S. I Love you. We just relaxed the rest of the night.

Cole and his dad after the pool party.
Doesn't Cole look so pretty!

Wave to the camera!

Sunday we had, not to scare our mothers, the annual hurricane preparedness lesson in Sunday school. It was very good since we had absolutely no idea, except for the basic preparedness, on what to do. Hurricane season started June 1st. It really scares me coming from Utah where we don't see things like this. They say we are expecting a class 3 hurricane this season. Which means evacuation! From what everyone is saying they give you plenty of notice. I guess it sounds worse than it is. We are getting prepared, and pretty much have everything we already need, we just need to get organized. We are right on it! No worries! We will be just fine. Any way, the rest of our Sunday was nice and relaxing. But I really hate when the weekends are over:(

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sounds like a great weekend. The Honda CR-V is a great choice. Cole is cute in his Hawaiian attire! Scary about the hurricanes though. Sheesh.