Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Can See...

...without contacts or glasses!

The month of October was quite the crazy busy month in the Booth household. To end the month out I had Lasik done!

October 30th Tom took me in and got to watch the whole procedure from a monitor screen that was hooked up to a camera that was aimed right at my eye. He got to see every little detail. He said it was pretty crazy!

Being on the receiving end was quite crazy too! There was a second there where I lost all vision. Tom tells me that was the point where they were cutting the flap on my eyeball! After it was cut vision was restored and I could see. I had to stare at a red light and though I couldn't see objects I just saw a whole lot of stuff coming at my eye!

I did all this with out drugs to calm my nerves because apparently you have to ask for them if you want them and I didn't know that until it was too late. They did numb my eyeballs though. All in all it wasn't too bad just really intense. The unknown is always intense! The whole thing only took only a few minutes. Yeah crazy, only minutes!

The best part about the whole thing is I get to sleep in these for two weeks! Awesome!! If only I could where them out in public!

I know what you are thinking
"Wow, she looks great! Where can I get me a pair of those!?"
"Why, Thank you! I got them at The Lasik Vision Institute."

I did however have to go in public right after the surgery with these beauty's on. Tom and I both had to go to the bathroom so we stopped at Five Guys Burgers and Fries and let me tell you how awesome I felt! I could not have been more embarrassed! Tom was leading me around like a blind lady because I was also trying to keep my eyes closed as much as possible.

By this time we were both starving so we ordered some food and then waited for our food so it was no quick in and out hide my face situation! It was a sit there forever and feel everyone's eye's on me situation! I'm probably making this out worse than it was but to me it was that bad! The food was really good though!

I went in the next day for one of the follow up appointments. It was wonderful being able to see everything and so soon after!

At my appointment the doctor checked my prescription and in that short amount of time I was at 20/15! WONDERFUL!

I want to thank Mike and Rachel for taking time out of their Saturday to watch Cole and Avery!
Thank You!


John Benac said...

Congratulations. That's awesome. No drugs too. That sounds like my worst nightmare

John Benac said...

Congratulations. That's awesome. No drugs too. That sounds like my worst nightmare

Nick & Che` said...

No drugs?? Oh my... just reading that made my eyes water haha. So glad you can see without glasses or contacts! How exciting!

Unknown said...

Oh Lasik. Best thing ever. TOTALLY worth every single penny.

And those are WAY better than what I had to wear for a week after, I had eye patched that I had to tape to my face with sports tape.

You win.

Monika said...

YAY!!! I know, it's wonderful!!! :) Your glasses are actually way cuter than mine though, what the heck!? lol