Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm back!

Ok, it has been a while, a really long while!

There was a really big rain storm about a month and a half ago and we had a little power glitch that turned my computer off and it wouldn't turn back on! Come to find out the hard drive went out! Dang! But I am back thanks to my new netbook!

First update post!

Easter~and more!

We had the opportunity of having Tom's parents here the week of Easter! It really was a lot of fun and we ALWAYS LOVE visitors! (HINT! HINT! to the rest of the family!)

While they were here we went to another one of Tom's work party's,

Avery loves her Root Beer!

Hanging around!********I love Susan's face in this picture! Priceless!(click on the picture to get the close up view) Love you Susan!!

In this first picture it looks like Cole was sliding really fast but as you can see in the next picture it wasn't fast at all! In fact you can see the boredom on his face of how slow it really was!

Grandma & Grandpa with the kiddos!

**Went and saw the Saturn V Rocket,

Here Tom is pointing to the part he works on for the Constellation program!

**Got to play on the shuttle simulator,

**Flew Cole's kite at the beach,

We don't have much luck with the weather any time we try to take family to the beach! It was cold and windy the time we took my mom and then again with Tom's parents! Sheesh!

Here is a little clip of Cole taking his turn flying the kite!
You can see & hear just how windy it was! Great for kite flying!

**And celebrated Easter
(for some reason I didn't take any pictures that day! Sad!)

Easter morning we had an Easter egg hunt for Cole but he got bored of that really fast! Then we went to sacrament meeting at church and then came home so Steve and Susan could run out to Susan's brothers. He lives in Houston just about an hour and a half away from us! We stayed home and had a nice time as a family! We enjoyed one of our favorites, San Fransisco Pork Chops! Not your traditional Easter feast but it was delicious!

It was a quiet but wonderful Easter Day!


Amy said...

I was wondering what happened to you. Sorry your computer died, but hurray for a new lap top!! Cute pictures! Thanks goodness for visitors!

Susan said...

Wow I don't look worried at all do I? What a face! Good thing I love you guys or you'd be in big trouble!!!!