Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This morning I was in the other room when I heard Cole start to cry. I just figured that Avery was trying to take something from him so I didn't think much of it.

He didn't stop and it kept getting worse. Then I thought what could she be doing to him that is making him cry like that. It is usually the other way around.

I walked into the room to see Cole had some how got himself stuck in one of our TV trays and was in an awkward, uncomfortable position.

I tried to get the tray off but couldn't see how I was going to, his head was too big to go through. I had no idea how he had got himself into this mess.

I called Tom and told him we were in a little bit of a predicament. He thought we had got locked into a room. I told him what had happened and he asked if I wanted him to come home. At first I thought he was going to have to to cut him out or something but then I noticed a bar across the underside of the top that was only held on by two screws. That bar helps the table go in and out without it coming completely apart, which was just what I needed was for it to come completely apart.

Tom had me take pictures before I freed him. I then unscrewed the bar and broke Cole free. He was quite relieved. Cole then said, " mommy, you're my hero! " Not really but I can pretend right?

"Really mom, you're taking picture while I am in distress!"

Poor little boy!
The whole thing was kinda funny though


Jen said...

That is hilarious! I love how little boys can manage to get themselves stuck in the weirdest of things and places! Just watch out, this is probably just one of many instances to come!

Nick & Che` said...

haha! Oh my gosh that is both funny and cute! :)

Jennifer Greenhalgh said...

ha! You're killin' me!