Friday, November 27, 2009

New Calling

I forgot to mention that I have a new calling in our new ward.

October 11th the bishop wanted to meet with us. DANG, I mean YAY, we knew a calling was coming!

When we got to the church the Bishop wanted to meet with with us each separately.Tom went first. Once Tom was done he took me in and we talked about how my testimony was and some other stuff. He told me that Tom had agreed to support me 100% on what ever the calling may be. I kind of had an idea what the calling was because the position has been open for a little while but when he brought us in together he told us both that the calling they were extending to me was 1st councilor in the Young Women.

I was overwhelmed, actually still am, but I know if this is where the Lord wants me then this is where I will be.

I enjoy my calling and I love being with the girls! I look forward to all of the memories I will make in YW. I hope to set a good example and be able to make a difference in these young girls lives.


Nick & Che` said...

You will be so fun in YW! You'll love it, I just know it! :)

Jen said...

Congratulations! What a fun calling! You'll do great!