Monday, December 20, 2010

The Tree

Last year after Christmas we decided to get rid of our old artificial tree. We got the tree when we were first married from Tom's brother and wife. I'm not sure how long they had it before us and if they were even the first owners. It was time.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving we went to a Christmas tree lot and picked out our wonderful tree.

We still had the lights that came with our artificial tree so they were quite old too. One strand was completely out and the other 2 only half of the strand worked. I thought I could some how make it work. I was wrong! I only ended up frustrated which led to me ripping the lights off the tree and throwing them right into the garbage can. I then informed Tom that our tree would not have lights this year!

Our poor Christmas tree sat with only a star on top for a while.

I took a trip to Utah for my grandma's funeral and when I came home Tom had taken our outside icicle lights and put them on the tree! What a sweet heart! I then was able to put the rest of the orniments on for the finishing touch.

After 11 years of marriage here is our first real tree!


Amy said...

Very cute tree. Glad you got lights on it. And I am sorry to hear about your Grandma. Was it your Grandma Greenhalgh?

Monika said...

Lovely tree!