Saturday, January 16, 2010


2010! Wow we made it! Another year come and gone.

We had a good year. Not too eventful but good.

Looking over the year:

*I had two brothers get married.
*Cole turned 2.
*We moved, yet again.
*Tom did his first triathlon.
*I ran my first 5k
*Tom and I got scuba certified.
*Avery turned 1.
*I turned 30.
*We had our 10 year anniversary.
What a great year!


My New Years resolution for 2010 is to be a better mom by spending more quality time with my kids. To do that I had to start with the one thing that took a lot of my attention and that was facebook. I always knew it was a time waster for me and I always had the thought in the back of my mind that I should close it but "it's just too hard. I don't want to miss out on anything in my friends lives and I have to keep beating my scores on all of the games I play" all while my kids wanted me to read to them or play with blocks or they just wanted to be held. Heaven forbid if they ever got their little head in front of the screen while I was having a great game at bejewled.

I finally came to the decision, for myself, that it is what I needed to do. I was more interested in what was going on in my friends lives than I was in my own kids lives. Cole and Avery needed their mom.

So....I DID IT! It took me a couple weeks because things came up but I did it, I closed my facebook account! It really hasn't been too bad. Sure I think about it every now and then but it has been worth it. I have already become more patient and nurturing and I am also keeping our home more organized. Tom is really loving that! :)

I know there are other area's in my life that still need work but with the biggest vise out of the way the other thing's will be easier to accomplish.

Happy 2010!!


Amy said...

Ah, I wondered why you were closing it. Good job and making that sacrifice!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Dayna!!!!

Shanna said...


I hope you don't mind me blog stalking you. I've felt the same way at times about facebook. One of my new goals is to spend much less time on it than I do. Although I don't really play games or much of anything on it. It's just a major distraction. I think it takes a lot for someone to realize something like this and do something about it. Kudos to you!

Shanna (Zaugg) Coleman