Monday, April 23, 2012

OH NO!!!

It finally happened. One of the day's I dreaded. The day one of the kids decided to try their hand at cutting their own hair. Ahhhh....! 

Cole took his little paper cutting scissors and cut a chunk right out of the front of his hair, along with his pants and pillow case! When I told him I was going to have to shave his hair off he was so sad. He actually started crying saying that he liked his hair and didn't want to be bald. Since he got it all the way to the scalp I had to use a #1 all over. His hair has never been that short not even as a baby! So sad but hopefully he learned his lesson and will NEVER do it again!

At least it wasn't Avery!!


Jen said...

Hahaha! That's awesome! I've been in this spot so many times. And ya, I'd like to think that they learn from this experience only to then cut a siblings hair-hehe. Cole looks so different with buzzed hair-good thing it grows back fast.

Jen said...

I love the kids cape-brings back memories! I just had to replace mine!

Rod Stratton said...

Oh man, that is basically bald. You should send him around the neighborhood asking for donations. I bet you could get your family a trip to Cincinnati out of it.