Thursday, April 26, 2012

Easter 2012

The night before Easter the kids decorated their Easter baskets. I decided, since I am pretty much the only one that eats the hard boiled eggs it would be a waist to color eggs. Decorating their basket was just as fun but less messy. :) 

Easter morning Cole and Avery found their Easter baskets full of goodies. Then we had breakfast and right after that the Easter egg hunt began. The Easter Bunny was good to the kids this year! :)

Luckily our church doesn't start until 11:00 so we had time to have the morning festivities and still make it to church, almost on time. I felt bad for the primary teachers that day with the kids full of sugar.

Cole and Avery in their new Easter outfits

Elliott also had a basket with her new dress that looks just like Avery's. Somehow we didn't get any pictures of her though.

The Tuesday before Easter the 2nd counselor in the Relief Society emailed asking if I would give the lesson Sunday. Ahhh...I DO NOT like teaching! It is NOT one of my talents and to have to do it Easter Sunday was horrifying! I called Tom and asked what he thought about going out of town that weekend. I was so serious! I even started looking at places to go and things to do and hotels to stay in. I REALLY did not want to give this lesson. What an expensive way to get out of a lesson! :) In the end I decided I needed to do it. So I did, I gave the lesson in Relief Society on Easter Sunday! I know I didn't do the lesson justice but at least I did it. I was so glad to have that over with!

After church we came home relaxed and ate a yummy ham dinner as a family. It was a wonderful day!

Funny story-

I went on a walk with the kids the Saturday before Easter. During our walk we stopped to take a break. While we relaxed in the shade I told the kids about why we celebrate Easter. About how Jesus died and how his body was put in a tomb and how he came back to life three days later. Cole kept bringing up the Easter Bunny. I really tried to stress that that was not what Easter is about. When we got home after our walk Cole went and told Tom, "the Easter bunny was in a tomb!"  At least he got some of it. :)

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