Thursday, March 19, 2009

"No Binky" Update

Cole is doing quite well to my surprise!

Tuesday afternoon for his first nap without his binky went a little more of how I thought this whole experience would! He screamed for about 40 min. before he finally fell asleep. Then Tuesday night he did just as well as the first night, slept straight threw til morning!

Wednesday morning he had a bit of a melt down! He was screaming and putting his hand to his mouth where his binky should be! I could tell he wanted it but did not give in! I had to keep telling myself to be patient it would all be worth it in the end! Once we got threw that melt down the rest of the day was good.

Wednesday we had had a long day at the rodeo and so when I had to wake him up to get him out of the car and into his PJ's he didn't like that, which I can't blame him, so he started screaming and didn't want to be put into bed. I layed him down gave him his Dangles and left the room and let him scream. Normally we could just give him his binky and that would calm him right down so it was tough to just walk out. The screaming only lasted for about three minutes before he settled down and went to sleep. Thank goodness!
All I can say is, "Ahh...another day down!"

1 comment:

Amy said...

Well, hopefully each day gets better and better. It is nice we was hooked on a binky. Andrew's hooked on his thumb and we can't cut the top off that and put it in the garbage. ;)