Friday, March 13, 2009

Cole Boy!

Cole has always been quite the little climber but now he has upgraded to moving swinging objects!

Love the face!


One night after bringing in the grocery's Tom and I had left the kitchen to go put things away in other rooms and came back to find this

He loves to stack and as you can see is very good at it! The other day I had out my sewing thread and he was stacking those as well.

He is always amazing us! He may not talk yet but his brain is constantly working! He's going to be an engineer just like his papa!


Unknown said...

Dayna, he is so darling! I love the face he is making while climbing, and I am so impressed by his stacking!

He is so cute!

Want to hang out next week while Tom is gone? Or I can babysit sometime so you can have a break!

Amy said...

He is a good little stacker!! And I love him climbing on the swing! So cute!

Gay Lynne said...

Thanks for blogging! I Love seeing what everyone is up to! Cole is one cute boy!

christa elyce said...

SMART BOY! He seems so happy to have climbed the swing! what accomplishment! lol!