Monday, July 7, 2008

Thursday & the Three Day Weekend

Thursday, the 3rd, Cole and I went and hung out with some more new friends from the ward, Mamie & Lucy Benac. Mamie is also one of my visiting teachers. She came and picked us up, since we temporarily have no car, and we went to a near by park. I helped Cole swing and go down a slide for the first time. He didn't really know what to think about it. After playing briefly on the toys we went and found a shady spot down by the water. Cole ate his snacks and Lucy ran around and played. She is just a little older than Cole so it makes it fun for him. Now if only he was walking, he could keep up with all his new little friends. Mamie and I sat and talked until the heat got to be too much. We packed up and went back to her house for a little while. We had a great time. It was really nice for me to get out of the house. I love all the friends we are making here.
On the 4th of July we had a lot of fun. We had a ward party that morning where we ate and laughed with friends. We had to leave before the games because Cole was getting cranky. We took him home for a nap and enjoyed a nap ourselves. So wonderful! After our naps we went and bought some luggage for our up coming trip to Utah. That night, Mana and Annette picked us up and we caravaned to the Clear Lake Park to watch some fire works, where we met up with a few other families from the ward. It was a very good night. There was a nice breeze that cooled it of just enough. It was fun being out and socializing. After the fire works Mana, Annette and their boy's came back to our apartment and we had strawberry desert and ice cream. What a great ending to a great day!

Cole enjoying the fire works.
He liked watching them for a minute, but after that he didn't really care.

Happy 4th of July!

The Vautier Family
Mana, Annette, Michael, sleeping in the stroller, & Benjamin

Cole hanging with the girls, Mamie & Lucy Benac & me.


Saturday we ran to USA Baby looking for a convertible car seat for Cole. How wonderful now that he is big enough to fit in one. We found a couple we liked but couldn't decide between them. After about four hours all we left with was knowing what crib we are going to get for Avery. We went to Wendy's for lunch and Cole had his first kids meal; chicken nuggets, mandarin oranges, and some chocolate milk. He ate the whole thing. What a growing boy! For dinner that night we went to Texas Road House. Gosh, sounds like all we do is eat! When we got home later that night, I did some research on the two car seats and finally decided on the one we want. Even better,USA Baby only had this car seat in one color, but I found it in five different colors on line. So once we get home from Utah I will be ordering it. So it wasn't a completely useless day.

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