Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Today has been quite an eventful day and it still isn't over. This morning me and Cole went to a play group. He had fun watching all the kids run around and play. He hasn't learned how to play with others just yet. And I enjoyed the company of the other mothers. It's nice getting out of the house once in a while.

When we got home I got the dreaded phone call from my Dr. office. So yeah, I did fail my glucose test. What was I thinking!? Now I get to go back in on Thursday and take the three hour testing where they draw my blood every hour. Doesn't that just sound like fun. I am so thrilled. Goodness!

Good news though, I finally ordered Cole's car seat today! Now that, I am actually thrilled about. I also did my visiting teaching earlier. Very nice.

In about a half hour I will be leaving to go to enrichment for a night of pampering. I am also teaching how to style short hair. That should be fun. It's been a little while since I have done hair so I am looking forward to it. Tom and some of the other husbands took the kids and went to a Houston Astros baseball game. Boy's night out. That should be a lot of fun for them.

It's been a great day but I will be glad to get home for the night and unwind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Need a baby sitter for the nasty tests? Let me know!