Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 4th 2009!

I love the 4th of July! All of the festivities, family, friends, food and fire works! Yeah for the forth! Sorry, just noticing a bunch of "F" words there!

Our 4th celebrations were great!

With any celebration there needs to be food and there was, lots of it! We met Mike & Rachel over at Mana & Annette's house, deep fried a turkey and had lots of yummy side dishes to go along! We all stuffed ourselves pretty good.

After our delicious meal we met up with Brent & Anya and headed to Galveston to play on the beach, enjoy each others company, let the kids run out their energy, watch fire works and eat some more food!

After the fire works Mike was wonderful enough to make us funnel cakes while we waited out the traffic. No celebration is complete without funnel cakes!

Cole was so much more into the fire works this year! It was so fun to see his excitement!

I think this was the start of a new tradition for our family, at least while we live in Houston!

Avery having a grand old time!

Cole & Caralyn being rambunctious toddlers

Cole loves eating watermelon!
Can you tell, look at that belly!

Our attempt at a family picture

Cole tripped in the sand and got a mouth full!
Poor kid!

Cole watching and loving the fire works

Mike making funnel cakes

There really is nothing like being up close to the fire works with the people you love in this great nation we live in! I know it is a hassle leaving afterwords with all of the traffic and tired kids but to me it is worth it! I love the feelings I get as I watch those big, booming lights in the sky and remembering what we are celebrating!


Unknown said...

We were there too! We should have looked for you.

Amy said...

Cute pictures. I love the family shot! I am so glad you are having such fun times in Texas!

Love the play set too. Tom did an amazing job!