Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kids will be kids!

This morning I went into the other room and left Cole eating his cereal. I came back to find he had shoved 3 Trix up his nostrils, 2 in the right and 1 in the left!

I grabbed the tweezers, Tom got the 2 out and I got the 1! Goodness!

Luckily it was only three because he got them up there pretty far!
+= No Good!


Amy said...

Nice. Why do kids do things like that. I can't believe he shoved 2 in one side!!!

Gay Lynne said...

He must take after his mom, but they were kix.

Unknown said...

I was just this morning wondering what age this comes.

Thanks for the warning!

Mamie said...

that'll be a funny story to tell his future girlfriends.

Jacqui Carrasco said...

I am sure it will not be a suprise to anyone that knows me that I was a unique kid. I shoved a broken crayon up my nose in kindergarten during a filmstrip. ( yes I know i am old) and had to go to the nurse to get it out. she kept calling people over to see what I had done.

christa elyce said...

MWAHAHA! you have the cutest kid! hahaha! wait...before i continue laughing at the adorablness, could he breath?