Thursday, February 12, 2009

E.T. Phone Home

A few weeks ago Cole was pointing with his finger and so I put my finger to his and said, "Ouuuch." And you know how kids love repetition so we did these over and over for awhile. He got a kick out of it!

A couple of days later I went in to get him up from his nap and he extended his arm and finger to me and said, "Ouuuch." So funny!

Then just yesterday I stubbed my toe and by habit said, "Ouch!" I looked over and Cole was putting his fingers together and quietly saying, "Ouuuch." That boy is so cute! He makes me laugh!



Unknown said...

SO CUTE! I can't beleive how much he is growing up!

Amy Whitley said...

That is just hilarious!!! Cole IS so cute! He's such a funny boy.

Amy said...

So cute!