Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Beautiful Little Blessings

As I was looking at my Facebook tonight I ran across one of my friends status and she posted," hoping everyone will fast and pray for Gracie ." I went to see what this was all about.

The Gledhill family have a little nine month old baby girl that was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). Basically for her to live she has to have a heart transplant. You should go and read her story! It will pull at your heart strings!

After reading the story of Gracie Gledhill and crying uncontralably, I moved on to others from links they have on their blog, some of who are still living and others who have gone home to live with their Heavenly Father. To read of these families trials and the strength they have gained because of these trials was a testimony builder for me.

I want to thank my Heavenly Father for blessing us with two beautiful, healthy baby's. I love them both dearly and pray that I can be the mother that they deserve! Time goes by so fast that I need to remember to cherish every little moment!

A cherished moment


Dee Dee said...

I love that picture! That is so sad. I hope that she will be ok and be able to have a transplant. I cannot imagine having to live with knowing that your baby could pass away so easily. We are blessed to have healthy babies. P.S. I love the apron! You go girl!

Amy said...

That really is a sweet picture. I love it.

I know I always complain about my sick kids, but we have it so easy compared to others that have "real" health issues. I am lucky to have 5 healthy kids!

Jen said...

I finally went to that blog as well, knowing full well that it would make me cry and of course I was bawling. It's just so sad. That's a trial I never want to endure. My heart goes out to them. And having healthy kids is truely something to cherish.