Friday, January 21, 2011

Calling all family and friends!

I have been asked to give a 15-20 min. class on organization in our next relief society enrichment night, which is Tuesday, February 8th. Why they asked me I have no idea! I don't consider myself that organized.

So what do I need from you? Idea's, tips, anything that would help me out would be GREAT! What works for you?

This is going to be more of a learning experience for me than any one else. Maybe after this is over I may just become that organized woman! Tom only hopes!!


Nick & Che` said...

I am the most unorganized person in the world, but I have found one thing that helps... I have a binder with labeled folders that keeps all my bills organized so I don't lose them. Rent, utilities, cell phone, insurance, hospital bills, receipts... that kinda stuff. That way I have records of everything. I have one folder thats labeled "bills that need to be paid" that way they never get lost or forgotten. It keeps me on top of things. It really helps alot, as long as I'm consistant with it and don't just leave it on the table to get lost! haha :) Hope that helps. Good Luck with your class!!

Monika said...

Ha HA!!!!! I love it! No ideas from me! ;) lol good luck! :)

Rachel said...

I have a really good book about organizing your home - you can probably tell I have yet to implement it - BUT it has great ideas! You are more than welcome to borrow it. I'll start looking for it now . . . . :)

Dayna said...

Thanks girls except for MONIKA! You're no help. :) but I still love you! And Rachel that would be great if I could borrow that book!

Anonymous said...

I hope this link helps some.

Looking forward to your class Dayna!

Norma :)

Jen said...

Hey I've really been wanting to come up with some great idea's for you but I'm just not that good. So, I don't know if this helps or qualifies as organization. We like to keep all our DVD's in a Cd organizer. That way we don't have all the DVD cases laying around taking up lots of space. We also have organized a 3 ring binder that contains our family information into sections as: address and our home & cell #'s (mostly for our children's sake), all emergency numbers, doctors, ob, dentist, schools, hospital, police poison control. Fire escape plan and lay out of home, Utility shut off's, tornado info and safety, local spider & snake safety, Evacuation Plan and procedures. This was created especially for our children to see and know that we are prepared in any emergency to help them. Again, I don't know if this is helpful or not but that's a few things we do.