Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Last night we had our relief society girls night out. The plan was to go to the mall and have a scavenger hunt but because of the wet, dreary day I don't think anyone wanted to come out. Only six of us ended showing up so we went to TGI Fridays instead.

Two of us broke the rules by bringing our babies because our hubbies were playing volleyball. To give the guys credit they did offer to take the kids but watching kids and playing volleyball don't really mix so the GREAT wives that we are we took them with us. Really it wasn't bad because they are both good babies.

I had already eaten dinner so I got a yummy chocolate shake that Cole helped me eat.

The night turned out to be lots of fun with great company. We really missed everyone that couldn't make it! There is always next month.


Amy said...

Sounds fun and now I want a chocolate shake! You are such an understanding wife. But I guess it is a little easier to take one baby with ya!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you had fun! I'm sad I missed it.