Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Grand Slam!

Ok! I've had this written since last Tuesday but I have been waiting for Tom to help me upload the picture I took with my phone because I don't know how. I am done waiting I'm just going to post and then maybe one day I'll get the picture on here!

February 3rd
Tuesday morning at 6 a.m., Tom, the kids and I met Mike & Mana at Denny's for the FREE Grand Slam breakfast. I wasn't sure if it was going to be worth it because after all how good could the quality of a free breakfast be?

Well, I can tell you I was happily surprised, it was good! The kids Grand Slam was even free! Even better! I'm just glad we decided to go early because I'm sure it was a mad house the later it got in the day.

And here are the pictures!

Cole enjoying his mini slam along with Mike & Mana

I made up for the early morning by taking a long nap while both kids were asleep!

Thank You Denny's!!


Amy said...

I don't know if I could get up and be anywhere by 6:00, even if it were free. I am impressed.

Unknown said...

We went at 10ish and it wasn't so bad of a wait.

Mana said...

and thank you mana for pretty much just being awesome!! :)
ps. tom hurry up and help dayna post that picture :)

Mana said...

too bad about that bottom right picture not being a little clearer......the guy in the foreground is hot!