Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christmas Eve!

Christmas eve is spent with my mom and step dad every year. We eat, talk, laugh and play BINGO, for prizes! Playing BINGO has been a tradition for as long as I can remember, even before my parents divorced.

We start with dinner which is always a good thing! We don't want any hungry, grouchy BINGO players. After clean up and enjoying conversation for a bit the game begins.

We play two rounds the first with the prizes wrapped and the second unwrapped. Part of the game is to steal the prizes from one another. It gets a little crazy before the prizes are unwrapped but it gets really crazy once you can see what all of the prizes are. Every one in the end end up with two prizes. Any one that has more than two decide which two they want and throw the rest in the middle. Any one left with one or none get to pick from the middle. It is really a ton of fun!

This year was a little more challenging with two toddlers wanting to be a part of it all. Last year they had only just learned to sit up by them selves so it was no trouble because they couldn't get into anything. After the first round we decided we should open the gifts to each other so that the boys would have something to entertain them while we played the second round. After the gifts were opened all of the kids started getting tired so my sister and her husband wanted to get home to put their boys to bed. Sadly, we were never able to play the second game! The prizes were divvied out and every one ended up saying their good byes.

It was a fun night even though it didn't go as planed. Maybe that tradition will have to be put on hold until the kids can join in the fun.

Top-left to right: Travis, April, Eric, Braxton, Dee Dee, Jayden, Me, Avery, Tom, Cole,
Jed, Lisa & Braelee
Bottom: Ren, Mom, Reed & Nick


I loved my moms face in this picture!
On the right is my sister-in-law Lisa and niece Bralee

Braxton & Cole ~~~~~ Jayden & Avery
The two older boys are two weeks apart
The new baby's are only 6 days apart


Gay Lynne said...

I loved the blogs! It's so fun to keep up on the things you are doing! Love you all!

Mana said...

Thats too bad about the bingo being cut short ...... kids......who would have them :)
i LOVE the santa outfit cole!