Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy 2009!!

New years eve we went to one of our best friends, Jarrod & Melanie. It has been, you could say, our tradition to spend New Years Eve at there house. We have done it for years. We make Jambalaya for dinner, play games until midnight, watch the ball drop with a glass of Chrystaling Apple Cider and wish each other a happy new year. We then bring in the New Year by playing more games.

This year the guys were going ice fishing New Years morning. They were planning on leaving early so when 4 a.m. hit we decided we might as well stay up and play games until they needed to get ready to leave. We pulled an all nighter! I can't remember the last time I went a full day + without sleep. I think I was more tired after that than I was after having either Cole or Avery!

The boys had fun fishing but were exhausted!

That night we went to a movie and dinner with Tom's family. I have never fallen asleep during a movie until that night. I tried my very hardest to stay awake but sleep won!

We slept great that night!

1 comment:

Mana said...

you'll be in houston this coming new years right? can we plan on another all nighter? :)