Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!

Christmas morning we were at my dads house. We woke up had breakfast and then opened presents. We got a lot of great things. It was fun watching Cole open his gifts. Santa was good to him this year ;)

The best was when I picked up the present with no name on it and handed it to my sweet heart. He was a little confused. He opened it up to find a Wii game system. He had no idea I was getting him one for Christmas. My brother helped out with that. Weeks before I called and had him look for one for me. I couldn't have surprised Tom like I did with out his help so,"Thanks Travis."

Top left to right-Travis, Dee Dee, baby Jayden,
Braxton, Dad, Jen,Even, Me, Avery, Tom and Cole
Bottom left to right-Bobby, Brody and Erica

Avery & her cousin Jayden Avery & Gampy Greenhalgh

Sometime during the day Cole watched his uncle Travis play video games

Christmas night we go to Tom's parents and the tradition we have there is: we open gifts, eat sukiyaki, which is a Japanese meal with meat and vegetables soaked in soy sauce served over rice, and stuff ourselves (Tom's dad went on his mission to Japan). A little after dinner, enough time to let our food digest, we go to the train room and try to get M&M's out of the cars of the trains as they go around the track. And last but not least enjoy being with the family!

The Train Room

Mom and her baby

Cole with some of his cousins: Anne, Molly & Jadea

On a side note, my sister-in-law got engaged on Christmas as well.

I can't give you much detail about it because I was in the bathroom when it happened! While I was using the bathroom I could hear Dave talking and knew right away what was going on so I finished up as quick as I could. I didn't even wash my hands and I was doing up my belt as I was rushing down the hall. I got into the living room just after she said yes. I heard it but I didn't see it! I was so bumbed! All of this time and I missed it!

Tom noticed I was missing right as Dave started talking but what could he do, ask him to hold that thought until I got back!? Once something like that is in motion you can't really stop it. Oh well! I am so happy for them! Love you Kerri!

Congratulations Dave & Kerri!

p.s. Dave, don't think you'll live this one down any time soon! Haha!

The Happy Couple!

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