Thursday, October 9, 2008

More Teeth

Cole is getting his seventh tooth appearing on the bottom. Today, Tom also discovered a molar on the top, which would make eight, that is starting to break through. That would explain the bad bruise he had about a month ago.

One day I had him upside down and noticed a pretty horrible bruise in his mouth. I thought maybe he was getting a tooth but nothing appeared and it didn't seem to bother him. Weeks later after the bruise disappears the tooth is now revealing itself. The same thing is happening on the other side with the bruising so once it goes away we'll be expecting another molar as long as that is what the bruise was really from.


Amy said...

I have never noticed bruising before. Hm. I learn new things everyday!

Unknown said...

It sounds like he is taking it well, that's good.

I don't think I would have ever noticed the bruise.