Thursday, October 2, 2008

Counting Down

I had another Dr. appointment yesterday and Avery's heart rate still sounds good and healthy. I'm only dilated 1/2 cm. though so not quite even to a one yet:( But we are now down to weekly visits so hopefully the rest of this pregnancy will go quickly. Let's hope because I'm ready. Don't get me wrong I love the back pain, sleepless nights, hoping I don't pee a little every time I sneeze, and being oh so tired all of the time but it just gets to that point where it is time and I hit that point a few weeks ago.


Amy said...

I am glad things still look so good! You made me miss being pregnant with that list.... ; )

Unknown said...

YEAH! New baby soon!

Becky Mendoza said... sleeps all night, never cries, no messing with diapers or nursing! Ahh, now that is enjoyable! Oh, wait, did you say sleepless nights?