Thursday, October 9, 2008

Target, You're the BEST!

This is pretty lame but I have to share because I am so excited! We found a baby loaf of Tillamook cheese for the first time since moving to Houston! A whole 2 lbs. instead of 1 lb. I haven't been able to find it anywhere. It was like nobody ate that much cheese here. And it's not just the Tillamook but all the cheeses. They all only come in a 1 lb. bar. We were going through 1 lb. so quickly I felt like I was buying cheese all the time.

That really made my night! Thanks Target!


Amy said...

Nice. I am a huge cheese fan and we usually buy a 2 lb block once a week. I can't imagine having to buy 1 lb blocks!

Our Family said...

Good to know that if we come to Texas we need to pack some cheese!! I usually buy two 5 pound blocks every two weeks! If Braelee likes cheese like Jed & I do...boy are we in trouble!! :)

Unknown said...

Seriously! What's the deal! I can NEVER find a big block of cheese. And this is my favorite too.

Thanks for the tip!